Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer begins

Summer wasn't here at all. Staying inside of the building keeps your heat away as if you were inside of any fridge. However, it doesn't necessary mean summer never comes here. From this week, it began to heat all of us during day. It went up to 100 degree and it's natural.

Sunday Service

You are invited to Sunday Service of Nungin Sunwon USA which is located in town of Tuxedo, NY. It begins 10:30 AM from the pray and will last about 2 hours including meditation and Dharma Talk. Lunch is provided at the cafeteria. Don't miss it, you will love it. Don't forget to give us a call so that we can prepare one for you and your friends, family, etc.

I don't know what to do


Q. I am a 40 year old male. Recently, I don't know what to do in the middle of life.
A. I recommend you find the truth of life, first. Buddha taught it and many people heard the story. Once you know it, then you can see the way out.

Where is the Buddhist temple?

Take Route 17A and make a left turn as soon as you pass by a lake, Indian Reservoir. You will see a sign in front of the drive-way up the hill.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Welcome to Nungin Sunwon USA. This is a NY branch of the biggest Korean Buddhist Temple in Seoul, Nungin Sunwon. If you are interested in Buddhism, Meditation, Tea, etc. we are ready to provide you with vivid experience. The head monk of this branch is Heakak Sunim. He became a Buddhist monk more than 20 years ago and his Dharma Talk is famous for its easy approach to Buddhist Teaching.